Camp Aaron Week 3 2019

Camp Aaron is having a blast!

Camp is flying by! It’s hard to believe Week 3 is coming to a close. Gilad campers were truly excited to have their first overnight. Campers kept busy with divisional activities and spending time with their friends. After enjoying a pizza dinner and a sundae station for dessert, we closed out the evening with a dance party. A fun time was had by everyone!

This week’s camp theme was Chanukah. The campers are having a blast at each of their individual activities. In Top Chef, campers made sufganiyot. They fried little pieces of dough, filled them with jelly and then rolled the treats in sugar. Delicious! One of the arts and crafts projects was painting piggy banks. Our specialists discussed gelt and saving money for tzedakah.

In our STEM program campers are loving 3D printing, robotics and flying drones with their friends. In addition, the new WIBIT lake inflatables are very popular and super fun. Many campers were seen at fishing catching turtles and various types of fish.

Last, but not least, Digi Photo kids have been creating name tags that can be proudly seen on their backpacks. Many projects are being saved for our Art Show in Week 7.

Wednesday is Carnival Day and we have many exciting things planned for our campers. Keep checking our app for pics of your child loving JCC Camps at Medford!

Shabbat Shalom – and we will see you on Monday!

Larry Helfman
Camp Aaron Director
609 654-5192 x112