Contact Us
Feel free to e-mail or call us with any questions you may have. Whether you’re deciding to attend the JCC Camps at Medford, planning for your first summer here, hosting a party and in need of a rental, or checking in while your child is enjoying camp, we’re happy to help. We look forward to hearing from you.
Summer Contact
Staff Directory
Our year-round crew is here to help! Please contact us and let us know what we can do to answer your questions.
Jared Kaufman
Camp Director
Mike Noble
Assistant Camp Director
Jodi Rosenbaum
Assistant Camp Director
Pam Parker
Camp Registrar
Shira Sklar
Operations Manager
David Dashefsky
Facility Rental Coordinator
Seasonal Camp Information
Camp Hilltop
Camp Shalom
Camp Aaron
Open Hearts / Open Doors
Chaverim Travel Camp
Health Center
Gesher LIT
Camp Parent Committee
The Camp Parent Committee is a group of lay volunteers who function as an advisory board, providing input to professional camp staff. As parents of past and current campers, the committee members offer insightful perspective on the needs of campers and parents.
If you would like to speak to a member or the committee or to inquire about joining our committee, please contact Ellen Lowenberger, Camp Committee Chair at