NO CAMP July 4th Observed
No camp today, but our Summer Swim Club is open!
No camp today, but our Summer Swim Club is open!
Wear your clothing backwards!
Don't forget to wear your camp t-shirt!
Don't forget to wear your camp t-shirt!
Who has the wackiest socks?!?
Stay at camp late for dinner and special activities just for our 4th graders!
Don't forget to wear your camp t-shirt!
A special evening late stay just for Camp Aaron Campers! Majors TBD. Dinner will be provided.
Support our local JFCS food bank and bring a non-perishable food item to camp. All items will be collected in the bus yard.
If you missed picture day and would like to do individual camper photos, today is the day! Don't forget to wear your camp t-shirt!