Gesher – Week 8 – 2019



The LITs have had a great Maccabiah Week at Camp; they loved participating in Color War with their bunks and loved showing their colors!


On Monday, our LITs had their final leadership session of the summer. The LITs met with the Camp Hilltop and Shalom Directors and learned about the hiring process for next year.  The LITs learned about the expectations for their hiring process and the responsibilities of the LITs as a potential staff member.


On Wednesday, the LITs traveled to Ocean City.  Unfortunately our plans were interrupted by the rain, but we still had a fun day together!


Thursday, the LITs enjoyed their last fun period together at the Lake. Later in the day, they rocked their spirit gear and helped motivate their bunks in all their Maccabiah competitions!


Friday was bittersweet as the LITs all said goodbye to their bunks and each other. We all had a great summer and are already looking forward to next year.


B’shalom and have a great school year,  

Barrie Glasberg Mittica

Gesher Director

609 654-5192 x109