What a great start to camp for our Hilltop Campers! The theme this week was mishpacha or family. In Arts and Crafts we made family trees using our hands as the trunk, and Usable Arts made memory boards to hang family pictures. In both of these activities, the campers practiced motor skills to trace their hands. Little Chefs made delicious people cookies. They used their measuring skills to make the dough and got very creative when decorating their people, while talking about making new friends at camp. In Little Science, they got to experience the engineering design process as they designed and built catapults using common materials. You can expect to see many more STEM projects like this throughout the summer! Campers met our new animals (alpacas, goats and chickens) that make up the family at nature, learning to respect the animals and made suggestions on what to name them. We all have gotten to know each other and are learning new songs that we will be singing every day!
Don’t forget to wear red, white, and blue on Monday, and that our picture day is Wednesday, July 5th- make sure campers are wearing their camp shirts!
Dina Wolf
Camp Hilltop Director
609 654-5192 x110