We are so happy to have made it to week four! Anaf and Bayit campers were thrilled to share their camp experience with their families on Tuesday’s Visitation, and the happiness continued into Thursday with an amazing carnival day. On Friday we welcomed Rabbi Larry Sernovitz from Nafshenu as he led us through our Shabbat experience. In Arts & Crafts, the campers made happy rainbow mobiles, which they used their fine motor skills to string pasta together. They we able to color their own personal cups with happy animals in Usable Arts, and in Nature we learned what makes animals happy in their habitats. In Science this week, we made slime by learning to mix different ingredients to make something new. Continuing with the Simcha (Happiness) theme, Little Chefs made smiley face cupcakes.
Next Week is Israel week! Don’t forget to wear blue and white on Wacky Wednesday.
Dina Wolf
Camp Hilltop Director
609 654-5192 x110